Mobile Commerce Daily writers polled their Facebook friends to see whether consumers are interested in buying goods and services via their mobile phones.
We sent the following question to some of our contacts on Facebook and here are some of the answers:
Would you be willing to purchase goods or services from your mobile device? Why or why not?
• Yes, I would because it’s convenient and secure, supposedly.
• No way! Too much of a margin of error.
• I think I would, provided the goods are clearly seen on my mobile phone. This way I can view what exactly I’m buying. On the other hand what would the incentive for me to buy it on the phone when I just do it directly from my PC ? Although looking at the bigger scheme of things it would probably be a good and creative idea that I’m sure many people would absolutely love.
• No. I’m not really big on purchasing stuff off of the Internet because you don’t know what you are getting. Half the time, the stuff doesn’t look like the picture you saw on the net, plus if it were off your phone, then the picture would be tiny as hell.
• No, I don’t think I’d trust sending enough information to buy stuff over my cell phone and every time you sign up for something on the cells, you then get like a million follow up texts that you have opt out of or they’ll harass you forever.
• If I see what I like, why not?
• Yes, I feel like it’s the same as purchasing on a PC and I make plenty of online purchases.
• If you could pay with your cell that would be awesome! Like you’re at a store and you text them a code. That’s cool. Wouldn’t that be awesome to pay for bagels with your cell?
• I would not buy things on my phone. I do not think that my phone is secure. I use only the generic and basic applications (on my iPhone). I do not even check bank statements on it.
• I don’t and I would if it were from a legitimate online store.
• No, I wouldn’t because to me it’s a little awkward in that sense that I’m buying clothes through my phone. I understand people find it convenient to purchase clothes through the Internet, but for me, I like to try on my clothes before purchasing. It satisfies me rather than getting a box delivered to my house.
• I have. I doubt it’s any less secure than buying from an open WiFi connection on your computer. And, I have ample credit card protection for any weirdness that may occur.
• Depends on the Web site. I often buy goods from Amazon on my phone. It saves me the trouble of going to the computer all the time, even when I am nowhere near one.
• Yes, only because it’s easy to do, especially with the iPhone.